10 tips for welcoming foreign travelers to your hotel

In 2018, France welcomed nearly 90 million foreign travelers. A new attendance record for our country, which has become the world’s leading tourist destination. Faced with an international clientele, it is necessary for hoteliers and accommodation owners to understand their expectations. Indeed, foreign travelers are sensitive to the quality of the welcome that contributes to the smooth running of their stay. Discover the 10 tips to attract this clientele to your establishment.

1. Be online

Today, the majority of travelers, regardless of nationality, tend to turn to the Internet to book accommodation. However, a site that is not accessible in several languages will tend to frustrate the traveller who will select another establishment. It is therefore essential for any hotel to offer its site in several languages. When creating a site with Amenitiz, the hotelier has the possibility to integrate the translation of its contents thanks to an integrated software.

2. Manage comments online

When a foreign traveller books a hotel online, it is difficult to find answers to all the questions he or she has. That is why he will draw on the experience of other travelers by consulting opinion sites. The hotelier must therefore pay attention to the notices posted by travelers and, above all, not forget to respond to them.

3. Be active on social networks

Social networks bring together a large community of users around the world who represent a target of potential travelers for hoteliers. This is why the hotelier must use these platforms to develop the visibility of his establishment on a global scale. Whether via Instagram or Facebook, these tools have become effective means of communication.

4. Recruit multilingual hotel staff

In order to facilitate communication with foreign travelers, it is interesting for a hotelier to recruit multilingual staff according to the nationalities it welcomes. Customers will appreciate this effort, it’s a good way to make them feel comfortable from the moment they arrive. Staff will quickly identify the needs of this clientele and will be able to respond to them without difficulty.

5. Provide brochures translated into several languages

Several establishments have brochures/guides available for use when travelers arrive. If a hotel is accustomed to welcoming international guests, it is advisable to offer documentation in several languages so as not to sideline these travelers.

6. Offer unlimited WI-FI connection

For foreign travelers, having a Wi-Fi connection during their stay is essential. Regardless of nationality, today’s traveller is ultra-connected and well-equipped. He is not going to take out a telephone subscription for a short trip. He therefore expects to find a free broadband connection everywhere in order to plan his stay, share his experience with his family and friends and book activities online.

7. Pacing meals

A Canadian usually has dinner between 5:30 and 6:00 pm while a Spanish person will not have dinner until 9:00 pm. The hotelier must therefore be aware that the rhythm of meals varies from one nationality to another. By offering wider time slots, travelers will appreciate this flexibility, they will not feel rushed in their habits.

8. Serve different breakfasts

Different breakfast formulas have been developed in hotels to satisfy the tastes of travelers. Faced with a diverse clientele, the traveller must be given a choice. The traditional formulas are the continental breakfast and the American breakfast. The buffet option is undoubtedly the most advantageous, it offers the traveller a wide choice of products.

9. Provide additional services

A foreign traveller can quickly become lost upon arrival. Language barriers and cultural differences can be disruptive to the traveller. That is why the hotelier must try to make the traveller’s stay as simple as possible. He can offer him to book activities/excursions but also to order a taxi for him.

10. To create partnerships with bloggers

A hotelier can use a blogger to promote his hotel to his community. In return for a fee or a free stay, he is responsible for talking about the establishment on his social networks. The hotel benefits from the blogger’s nationwide reputation and notoriety.

To maintain France’s attractiveness abroad, tourism stakeholders must be made aware of cultural differences. The objective is to improve the reception of an international clientele. The Do You Speak Tourist guide describes the behaviour and expectations of the traveller according to his nationality. Thanks to this tool, the hotelier will have a better understanding of the client and will be able to adapt the services offered according to the nationalities welcomed. In the long term, it’s a way to stand out from your competitors.